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What are the Benefits of straight and aligned teeth?


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There are various benefits of straight & aligned teeth as mentioned below:

  • Aesthetic appearance: Neatly aligned and straight teeth give a pleasing smile and aesthetic appearance, which are vital to impress anyone.
  • Oral hygiene: Straight and aligned teeth help us maintain a good oral hygiene as the teeth can be cleaned and flossed properly. As there is very little space for the food residues to settle down, the formation of bacteria is very less, which can be cleaned and removed easily. Hence the chances of tooth decay gets minimised to a great extent.
  • Maintaining good health: the combination of straight teeth and good oral hygiene results in proper chewing of the food and help digesting the food properly. Well digested food, in turn, help maintain good health.
  • Jaw pain and headache: A proper aligned and straight teeth help in proper jaw moment and reduces the unwanted extra pressure on the jaw. The extra pressure on the jaw due to malocclusion or misalignment of the teeth can lead to head aches and jaw pains.
  • Self-confidence & cheerfulness: With straight and aligned teeth, one can easily mingle with the crowd brimming with confidence and armed with a cheerful smile and attitude. No need to hide from the crowd and functions.

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